A Must Watch! Obesity and Diabetes

I am an avid fan of TED talks, I watch them online and on Netflix. I was first introduced to TED a few years back by a colleague that showed me this video by Simon Sinek, called The Golden Circle: How Leaders Inspire Action. That video gave me a new outlook on life, and I started to watch more and more TED videos.

I came across this video (below) yesterday. Watching it, I was astonished by Dr. Attia's honesty and intrigued by his research. I suggest everyone, those suffering from a weight problem and those not suffering from a weight problem, watch this video. It's about 16 minutes long - watch the first 60 seconds and I promise you'll be captivated.

Also, please please please share this video, after you have watched it, if you find it as impactful as I did.


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